BC Highland Dancing Association

Donations / Sponsorship 

Although the BCHDA is non-profit organization, it is not a registered charity and cannot provide a tax receipt.  Donations are gladly accepted though, and we are happy to direct funds in the way you prefer, such as rep travel bursaries, special awards or trophy sponsorship  Please contact Charlene Jamieson (BCHDA President) if you have any questions about donations or sponsorship.  Charlene_Jamieson@hotmail.com 
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* Mandatory fields
*First name
The member must be 18+ years of age. IE, the parent/guardian of a dancer is the member.
*Last name
The member must be 18+ years of age. IE, the parent/guardian of a dancer is the member.
*Home Address
*Postal Code
*Amount ($CAD)
Payment frequency

BCHDA Competition Secretary - Kim Drabyk - Email: bchda.competitionsecretary@gmail.com
ddress for correspondence: c/o BCHDA Secretary, 3205 Salt Spring Ave, Coquitlam, BC, Canada, V3E1E8

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