Have you ever wondered how the judge’s marks are transcribed into the placings and results at the end of a competition? The judge marks each dancer out of 100, with first place going to the dancer(s) with the highest score, and so on down the line. Aggregate winners are determined by adding up the combined scores over the day, but rather than use the judge’s scores, points are assigned according to placement. All competitions run under the Scottish Official Board of Highland Dancing use the same schedule of points, keeping the job of scoring consistent from one competition to another. Here’s a breakdown of the marks. (* NEW POINTS SYSTEM AS OF JAN 1 2017 *)
- 1st place is 137 points
- 2nd place is 91 points
- 3rd place is 71 points
- 4th place is 53 points
- 5th place is 37 points
- 6th place is 23 points
Based on the above, BCHDA then awards medals and/or cash awards according to the number of dancers in each class on the day of competition.
- *As of Oct 2024*- Half of the dancers will be placed to a maximum of 6 placings. Eg, 3 dancers - 2 placings, 4 dancers - 2 placings, 5 dancers - 3 placings, etc, 12+ dancers - 6 placings.
- Primary dances will be placed to half plus one.
In Championships and Premierships dancers are placed to a maximum of 6 places.
In some cases, judges will mark a dancers with 0 (eg. displace sword, wrong step), and in those cases no medal/prize is awarded.