BC Highland Dancing Association

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  • Cake Walk -- BCHDA January 27 Competition

Cake Walk -- BCHDA January 27 Competition

  • Saturday, January 27, 2018
  • 11:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Centennial Secondary School, Coquitlam


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:

Registration is closed

Cake Walk -- one member of team is to be a member of BCHDA, both dancers are required to have ScotDance Canada Cards.

There will be both pre-premier & Premier Categories.  Sorry no "groups" consisting of a Premier & Pre-premier dancer.

Choreography entry information BCHDAWinter2017-18Choreography.pdf

BCHDA reserves the right to limit entries.

One Member of each dance group MUST be a member of BCHDA, and ALL dancers must have a valid SOBHD Card.  One registration required per event entered.  

Registration Opens January 6, 2018

BCHDA Competition Secretary - Kim Drabyk - Email: bchda.competitionsecretary@gmail.com
ddress for correspondence: c/o BCHDA Secretary, 3205 Salt Spring Ave, Coquitlam, BC, Canada, V3E1E8

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